Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Membership Mania

This year I am going to focus on two new things. The first one is membership mania. This is a cool contest between chapters. I am putting the out line up in this post, I will put more up on how to earn points more specifically in the near future.


What is it?
            Membership Mania is a contest for chapters to compete against each other and earn points for members, programs, attendance, and other cool things.

Two Divisions:
            Unlike most awards and competitions in our region for this there will be two separate divisions. There will be a large division for the larger chapters and a small division. This is so chapters that are smaller also have a chance at winning.

Why are we doing this?
       The Hanefesh region would like to grow this year. We would also like to get existing members more active, both in their chapter and in the region. Everyone can participate and rack up points for their chapter simply by being involved. So, encourage you members to stay active, get more active, and to get their friends to be active so your chapter can win!!!

How can I/my chapter earn points?
       One plays by being a member. Chances are that you are already earning points just by having chapter programs and having members. The only difference is that now you will be rewarded for your efforts. Try having more chapter events that will earn you more points. The better and more inclusive of all aspects of USY an event is the more points you can earn. The more events you have, the more new members you gain, and the more members that come to a regional event the more points you will receive.
So get started planning awesome new events and incorporate as many members in to planning as possible. Remember: keep the regional office posted on everything you do so that we can award you with as many points possible!

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