Monday, December 12, 2011

Icebreakers: Around the World Themed

This past weekend was Hanefesh Fall Convention, it was around the world themed, plus I really like post-its.

Length of program: 10 Minutes

Overview / Summary of Program:
The purpose of this program is to put people into groups for the skits activity. Each
person will have to guess what his or her card says and then organize themselves by
the continent the card is associated with.
Supplies Needed:
Index cards (each card will have a word that is associated with a specific continent),
Step-by-Step instructions (be specific):
1. Give out the cards, one per a person. Have them tape it on either their forehead
or back without looking at the word written on the card.
2. Have people walk around and ask other people yes or no questions about the
word that is written on their card.
3. Once each person has guessed the word on their card, have everyone get into
groups based upon which continent their word is associated with.

Special Notes to make the program successful:
Make sure people don’t start cheating! Also make sure that the tape can stick to skin.

Examples for cards
South America – Salsa dancing, taco, World Cup 2014, Amazon
Asia – Martial arts, Mulan, sushi, panda
Australia – Koala bear, kangaroo, boomerang, outback
Europe – Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Summer Olympics 2012, pizza
Africa – Lion, safari, The Lion King, pyramid
Antarctica – Ice, polar bear, penguin, North Pole
North America – Hamburger, baseball, maple syrup, Coca Cola

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